How to Pronounce Zeruiah
Audio Pronunciation of Zeruiah
Phonetic Pronunciation of Zeruiah
zeh-rou-AI-uhHow to Say Zeruiah
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Zeruiah is a name that holds significance in the biblical narratives, particularly in the context of King David's family and military leadership. Exploring the pronunciation and background of the name "Zeruiah" can provide valuable insights into biblical accounts and the individuals associated with it.
Meaning and Significance of Zeruiah
The name "Zeruiah" is believed to be of Hebrew origin, but its exact meaning is not explicitly mentioned in the biblical text. However, its significance lies in its association with specific individuals, particularly in the lineage of Jesse and the House of David.
Role in Biblical Accounts and References
Zeruiah is primarily known in the Bible as the name of a woman who played a significant role in the life of King David:
**Zeruiah, the Sister of David:** Zeruiah is described in the Bible as the sister of King David, the renowned ruler of Israel. Her brothers included David, Abinadab, and Shimea (1 Chronicles 2:16-17). Zeruiah is perhaps best known as the mother of three prominent figures in David's army: Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. These nephews of David played vital roles as military commanders and leaders in the Israelite army during David's reign.
The mention of Zeruiah's name in biblical accounts is a testament to her familial connections within the House of David and her role as the mother of mighty warriors who served under her brother King David.
Zeruiah in Easton's Bible Dictionary
Stricken of the Lord, David's sister, and the mother of Abishai, Joab, and Asahel (1 Chr. 2:16), who were the three leading heroes of David's army, and being his nephews, they were admitted to the closest companionship with him.