How to Pronounce Zerah
Audio Pronunciation of Zerah
Phonetic Pronunciation of Zerah
ZEE-ruhHow to Say Zerah
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Zerah is a name that appears in the Bible and holds significance in both historical and genealogical contexts. Understanding the pronunciation and origins of the name "Zerah" can provide valuable insights into biblical narratives and the people associated with it.
Meaning and Significance of Zerah
The name "Zerah" is of Hebrew origin and can be translated to mean "shine" or "brightness." It carries connotations of radiance or dawn, symbolizing a new beginning or hope. Names with such meanings often hold special significance in biblical narratives, reflecting the themes of illumination and divine blessings.
Role in Biblical Accounts and References
The name Zerah is associated with several individuals in the Bible, and each one plays a unique role in the biblical narrative. Understanding their stories can provide valuable insights for those interested in biblical pronunciations and genealogies:
- Zerah of Judah: Zerah was one of the twin sons born to Judah, a patriarch of the twelve tribes of Israel, and his daughter-in-law Tamar. His birth is recorded in Genesis 38:27-30. The account of his birth is notable for its unusual circumstances, involving Tamar's righteous actions and the recognition of Zerah as the firstborn, even though his brother Perez ultimately emerged first.
- Zerah the Ethiopian: Another figure named Zerah appears in the context of a military campaign involving King Asa of Judah. In 2 Chronicles 14:9-15, an Ethiopian army led by a commander named Zerah confronted Asa's forces. Asa sought the Lord's help and achieved a decisive victory over the Ethiopians, resulting in the capture of much spoil. While the pronunciation of Zerah's name is not specifically addressed in this passage, understanding the historical context can aid in biblical pronunciation comprehension.
These references to individuals named Zerah offer insights into the pronunciation and significance of the name within biblical narratives. They showcase the multifaceted nature of names in the Bible and their role in conveying specific meanings or emphasizing particular themes.
Zerah in Easton's Bible Dictionary
Sunrise. (1.) An "Ethiopian," probably Osorkon II., the successor of Shishak on the throne of Egypt. With an enormous army, the largest we read of in Scripture, he invaded the kingdom of Judah in the days of Asa (2 Chr. 14:9-15). He reached Zephathah, and there encountered the army of Asa. This is the only instance "in all the annals of Judah of a victorious encounter in the field with a first-class heathen power in full force." The Egyptian host was utterly routed, and the Hebrews gathered "exceeding much spoil." Three hundred years elapsed before another Egyptian army, that of Necho (B.C. 609), came up against Jerusalem.
(2.) A son of Tamar (Gen. 38:30); called also Zara (Matt. 1:3).
(3.) A Gershonite Levite (1 Chr. 6:21, 41).