How to Pronounce Zorah
Audio Pronunciation of Zorah
Phonetic Pronunciation of Zorah
ZAWR-uhHow to Say Zorah
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Place of wasps, a town in the low country of Judah, afterwards given to Dan (Josh. 19:41; Judg. 18:2), probably the same as Zoreah (Josh. 15:33). This was Samson's birthplace (Judg. 13:2, 25), and near it he found a grave (16:31). It was situated on the crest of a hill overlooking the valley of Sorek, and was fortified by Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11:10). It has been identified with Sur'ah, in the Wady Surar, 8 miles west of Jerusalem. It is noticed on monuments in the fifteenth century B.C. as attacked by the Abiri or Hebrews.
Zorah is a name of notable significance in the biblical narratives, often associated with the birthplace of the mighty judge Samson. Located on the border between the tribal territories of Judah and Dan, Zorah played a strategic role in several biblical episodes, offering insights into the geographical and spiritual dynamics of the era.
Meaning and Significance of Zorah
While the precise meaning of "Zorah" remains a topic of debate among scholars, its significance in the Bible is clear due to its association with key figures and events. Its recurrent mention underscores its importance in the unfolding tapestry of Israel's history.
Role in Biblical Accounts and References
Zorah's primary claim to fame arises from its status as the birthplace of Samson, one of the Judges of Israel. Samson's story, replete with feats of strength, personal struggles, and a tumultuous relationship with the Philistines, commences in Zorah. It is here that the Angel of the Lord appears to Samson's mother, foretelling the birth of this Nazirite who would begin the deliverance of Israel from the Philistines (Judges 13:2-25).
Geographically, Zorah was situated on a ridge overlooking the Sorek Valley, a location of strategic importance. As a border town, it bore witness to numerous skirmishes and territorial disputes, particularly between the Philistines and the Israelites. Its proximity to the Philistine territory made it a frequent point of contention, and it's likely that the residents of Zorah often found themselves at the frontline of these confrontations.
Aside from its association with Samson, Zorah is also listed in the biblical accounts as one of the cities given to the tribe of Dan (Joshua 19:41). Later, during the time of the monarchy, it's mentioned as one of the cities fortified by Rehoboam, the King of Judah (2 Chronicles 11:10).
The name Zorah continues to reverberate through time, not just as a mere geographical location, but as a pivotal backdrop against which significant chapters of Israel's history were penned.